Healthy & delicious. I love when you can use those 2 words together. There’s 101 million pancake recipes out there, but this one is worth trying!

This is a really hearty pancake recipe that I love to make for my family.


0/0 steps made
  1. Whisk together the egg and coconut oil.
  2. Add the flour and sugar gradually. Next add the baking powder and baking soda.
  3. Now add the milk and yogurt to the mixture, slowly folding them in. Set aside.
  4. Place the spinach in a blender (I use the nutri-bullet). You can add some water in here to get the spinach blended (mine gets stuck on top if I don’t add liquid). A
  5. dd this to the mixing bowl, and finally add the chia seeds.
  6. Mix well until resembles smooth pancake batter.
  7. Cook on medium heat, until one side bubbles. Then flip it and do the same to the other side.
  8. Top with fruit, honey and enjoy!


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